Just Walking Alone
2017.11.23(thu.) -12.26(wed.)
Susumu Matsuura, Thomas C. Chung

松浦進とオーストラリア在住アーティスト、トーマス・C・チュンによる「JUST WALKING ALONE」展を 開催いたします。
松浦の作品は、シルクスクリーンと絵画の二重の技巧でイメージを創造していきます。見るものに自然と人工を絡み合わせた新しい肖像画のあり方を問いかけます。それは、 ロールシャッハ・インクブロットテストのように見るものの感情や恐怖を反映していくのかもしれません。
salon cojica presents JUST WALKING ALONE, by Japanese artist Susumu Matsuura & Australian artist Thomas C. Chung.
In their shared experiences of travelling to a village named Hohenstein in Germany, this accidental meeting became an adventure in itself.
With a mutual fascination for psychology, human behaviour and relationships, living in this quiet area of Bavaria informed deep moments of contemplation, sorting out realities and fantasies with extended walks into nature. Each step forward began a journey into the unknown with countless trails leading near and far.
Matsuura’s interests in creating images through a dual technique of silkscreen printing and painting, asks its audiences to observe a new sense of portraiture, intertwining the natural and the artificial. Like a Rorschach inkblot test the artworks are a reflection of one’s inner desires and fears. Chung’s sculptures and installations progress a story which began over a decade ago, revealing within itself moments of child-like discovery in a world that is constantly fleeting. Capturing this essence and seeing its fragility, it reveals an understanding of how our world came be.